Thursday, May 28, 2015

one • twothreefour • fivesix • seveneightnine • ten

Noble is now six weeks old and since we're moving out of the newborn phase, I thought I'd share a list of things we've gotten a lot of use out of. I learned a lesson after buying things for Ev - it's best to stick with simple things for babies. I made the mistake of buying tons of cute clothes for her and am paying the price now as I organize and try to sell box after box. This time I vowed to only buy things brand new that we could reuse. We're unsure whether we'll actually make the leap and have more babies after this, but we'll have what we need just in case. When I was pregnant with Ev, I poured over those 'baby registry checklists' and worried if I didn't have every little thing listed. This time around I had a better idea of what we would actually use and need (and have space for in an apartment). I really didn't even glance at a list. We spent considerably less this time while preparing for Noble, but I really don't feel like we're in need of anything. It feels good to be clutter free!

SLEEPING SPACE • I debated on going the bassinet route at all or just putting him straight into a crib, but (like always) we were unsure how long we'd be in this apartment and our bedroom is tiny. I didn't want to waste all that precious walking-around-the-bed space with a crib if we could use a bassinet until we moved into a bigger space. This was my inspiration for his 'nursery,' so I went on a scavenger hunt for all parts involved at a reasonable price and decided on the Jolly Jumper Rocking Moses Basket Stand, the Tadpoles Woven Palm Leaf Moses Basket, and an IKEA Rens Sheepskin for a mattress, which totaled around $100 - cheaper than any complete bassinet set I could find, and made of all natural materials. We just tuck a muslin blanket around the sheepskin to catch any spit-ups.

NURSING SPACE • The dreaded rocking chair search has been ongoing since I was pregnant with Evie. I'm convinced the perfect (affordable) one doesn't exist! I had originally decided to just settle for a glider because they're so darn comfortable (and so darn ugly), but I just couldn't pull the trigger. So I ended up going the next best route and settled on a classic, solid wood rocking chair with a nursing stool. It isn't horrendous, huge, or expensive, and it won't fall apart after just one baby. A My Brest Friend pillow was especially handy with Ev and I still have mine, but found that I used it less this time around since I was more comfortable breastfeeding and knew more about getting the proper latch, etc.

DIAPERING • I haven't talked much about our love for cloth diapering here, but briefly put - we're believers. As with most things, we prefer the simplest system - prefolds with a water proof cover. I tried pocket diapers for a few weeks with Ev and they were the bane of my existence, so we stuck with what we love and know. We already had Bummis organic prefolds from diapering Ev that we loved, but they were discontinued and I had heard good things about Green Mountain diapers, so I thought I'd try those. So far they are just as good, if not better than the Bummis ones. We use cheap washcloths from IKEA for cloth wipes. We also use Seventh Generation disposables at night and when we're running errands because - well, I'm not super mom.

BLANKETS • . . . because everyone knows blankets are the thing you need the most with a newborn. I'm sure you've heard of Aden + Anais Muslin swaddle blankets. I wasn't sure if they'd live up to the hype, but we love them. We have a bunch of different blankets and these are the only ones we reach for. Take my word - they're worth it! I also knew we'd need a heavier carseat/stroller blanket and I wanted a knit one made from natural materials (not acrylic). I found this wool + cotton blend one at H&M and it really is a steal for the quality. I also use it to take Noble's monthly growth pictures on, so it will end up being his keepsake blanket. I did the same thing for Ev and her blanket is here.

CLOTHING • Because we decided not to know the gender, my clothing shopping was limited this time around, but I really didn't mind as much as I thought I would. I believe babies should look like babies, not little men or baby dolls, so I naturally pick up fairly neutral clothing anyway. I'm a white onesie kind of Mama. When doing the limited amount of shopping I could do this time around, I opted for organic basics that we could use with the next baby. I had good luck at Old Navy and H & M. H & M has some especially affordable organic options.


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